PUFFY P illustration

illustration & art for licensing by pilar erika johnson
puffyp.com - art for licensing, my shop, free e-cards & more
pilaromatic.com - illustration portfolio

Monday, June 12, 2006


ill tr to write from NY when Im there, but i cant make any promises!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

blogger down

Hi all, I tried to post a few days ago, putting up an image for illustration friday, and i tried and tried, and for some reason blogger wasnt letting me upload images...now we're on to the new topic so its a bit of a moot point. I was trying to be regular about posting every few days.
So here it is, a Saturday night and Im so pooped from all my PUFFY P preparations I am home instead of roller disco skating with some pal (I MUST be tired!). Ive pretty much got everything in order now to leave for NY. Despite some scares with some unknown person signing for my packages in NY (we eventually tracked them down, thank god), Im pretty much ready to go.
Should be nice to get some time also in NY with my dad and stepmom, and also my sister is flying in to NY when Ill be there. She's been living abroad in germany & Spain for the last year or so, and is now coming to move to SF, which is exciting, because she and I havent lived in the same town since highschool, which is almost 20 years ago now. yikes.
Anyway, Ive been getting some more possible bites for freelance, which is good, because Ive been using the last few months to focus on PUFFY P stuff, and have yet to make any money from it. Plus all the sales materials, plane ticket, booth cost of the show is adding up. So when I get back from this trip Ill have to rustle up some work.

Monday, June 05, 2006

last week before showtime....

Hi all, this weekend I managed to send off all my stuff for my booth to NY ...btw, dont send stuff 3 days UPS if you can get away with ground, I spent about $175 to send about 50 lbs of stuff 3 day...but thats the price of fame I guess...

I still have a few odds and ends to take care of, but by booth is mostly complete. I am, however, compiling an archive of all my images for mobile phone wallapers, because I have about 60 images so far, and hope to have 100-200 for the show. I've been experimenting with Adobe Bridge, and been happy to be able to quickly view all my images, and export to thumbnail contact sheets either via Photoshop, or InDesign. Theres also some nice PDF presentations and web pages I can create in a snap. I know this isnt anything new, but its one of those things where if you hadnt had a need to do something, you dont really dig down into the program to find out how to do it.

Im now turning my focus to creating an illo for a colleague Von Glitschka. He's writing/ compiling a design book. (Im not sure how downlow this needs to be, so I dont want to reveal too much about its content, just in case). I'm reworking one of my images into something for the book and pretty thrilled to get a piece published and getting some free advertising. I'm also hoping to submit some work for some local gallery showings, (of course all my deadlines are at the same time, right before I head off to NY).

so its a busy time to say the least, but its all great stuff.....